Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Ownership of an Edico account

How does Edico differ from the other file sharing or transferring services?

Edico's chat enables better interaction than other file sharing services, and with Edico you can present files with the browser's presentation resolution. Additional information for file management can be provided with file accompanying comments and attention colors. Our servers are located in Finland in the EU region.

How is the service developed?

The Edico service is constantly being developed. If you have development suggestions, you can contact us via our customer service.

How does Edico's presentation technique differ from the presentation techniques of other services?

When you present a file in the Edico session folder, such as image video or pdf documents, to others to a concurrent session for the participants, they will see the original file on their own computer screen with the resolution of a web browser. This patented presentation technology is of much higher quality than the streaming technology of some systems developed for screen sharing. In addition, it requires much less bandwidth.

Do I need to register to join the Edico session folder?

Only the account holder registers when he orders an Edico product account for his use. When the account holder invites participants to the session folder they set up, they do not need to register. Heidän tulee vain seurata kutsussa olevia liittymisohjeita.

Can Edico be used on mobile devices?

Yes, Edico is also designed to be used on mobile devices.


Can someone else see the information I shared in the Edico session folder?

Information shared in the Edico session folder is only available to the account owner and invited participants.

How are files in the Edico session folder protected?

Edico's file transfer is protected with the SSL protocol and access to the session folder is protected with a password.

How does a confidential folder differ from a regular folder?

The regular session folder grants participants equal rights and visibility of all files to everyone. In confidential session folders, invited participants do not see each other's files. Only account users can view the files uploaded by all invited participants.

Are the files deleted after the session ends?

In the Edico Lite trial session folder, files are removed from our server after 48 hours or when the session folder user deletes them prior to the expiration of the 48-hour period.
In the Edico Lite trial session folder, files are removed from our server after 48 hours or when the session folder user deletes them prior to the expiration of the 48-hour period.

Inviting participants

How can I invite people to my Edico session folder?

There are three ways to invite participants.
1. Email Invitation from Edico Session Folder.
Tap the "Invite Participants" button in the top bar to open the window with the same name. Fill in the requested information in the window and tap the "Invite Participants" button. Edico invitations will now be sent to all the email addresses you entered in the window.

Also, send the session password to all invitees via text message or notify them that no password is needed. The invited participant will see the login instructions in the email.
 2. Sending an Invitation Link via Email or Text Message
Kutsulinkin löydät napauttamalla istuntokansion info (i) – painiketta, joka sijaitsee istuntonumeron vieressä. Kopioi kutsulinkki ja lähetä se sähköpostilla tai tekstiviestillä kutsuttaville osanottajille.  Lähetä kaikille kutsutuille myös istunnon salasana esim. tekstiviestillä tai ilmoitus siitä, että salasanaa ei tarvita sekä kirjautumisohjeet.
 3. Invitees Logging In Through Edico's Website "Join as an Invitee" Link
You need to send the session folder number, session password, or notify them that no password is needed, and provide login instructions in an appropriate manner.

How do I know who joined my session? / How can I see the participants of the sessions?

In your Edico account, you can see the participants who have logged into session folders via the "Participants -> Show" button. In the Edico session folder, you can see concurrent participants through the info button.

How are invited people informed?

If you invited people to your session through the "Invite Participants" button, the invited participants will receive an email from Edico. If you only send the invitation link, you need to inform the participants yourself! If you want them to join using the session folder number via the "Join as an Invitee" link on the website, provide them with the session number and instructions on how to log in.

How do I know who joined my session? / How can I see the participants of the sessions?

In your Edico account, you can see the participants who have logged into session folders via the "Participants -> Show" button. In the Edico session folder, you can see concurrent participants through the info button.

Can files be shared with more than ten session folder participants?

Files can be shared with the desired number of participants!
If a simultaneous session is held between participants, then the number of active participants is limited to ten participants.
The maximum number of participants in a simultaneous Edico Lite session is 3.

Do you always need a password to join an Edico session?

You don't always need a password! The account owner can specify whether a password is required to access the session folder or not. The information is not always secret (e.g. in a sales presentation) and then it makes sense to allow invited participants into the session folder without a password.


How many session folders can I create?

There is no limit to the number of session folders you can create. However, it's important to note that with an Edico S subscription, there is a storage limit of 10 GB.

I deleted one of my session folders, can I get it back?

No. You must keep the files you have uploaded to the Edico session folder also on your own data device.

When you use the "Open" button to open a file, do other participants see its contents?

If you open a file using the "Open" button, only you will see its contents in the session. If another person opens the same file, they will also see it, but this does not mean the file is presented to all participants. If you want everyone to see the same file at the same time, you need to present it.

My Word and Excel files don't open in Edico, how can I open them?

Edico can open or present .pdf, .ppt, .png, .jpg, .txt, and .html files. If you want to open an Excel or Word file, you need to download it to your computer.

I started the presentation, how can I stop it?

The "Stop" button can be found in the "Open/Close presentation tools" menu.

I would like to present PowerPoint slides or multi-page PDF documents to my colleagues using Edico. How should I proceed?

PowerPoint presentations should be converted to image formats such as JPG for smooth and high-quality presentation. Other suitable file formats include other image formats (GIF, BMP, and PNG). PDF documents are also an acceptable format.
The selection of a page of a multi-page file to display must be guided to others in the presentation to the participants so that all participants transfer the same page to the screen of their own information device.

How can I avoid display-related confusion with multi-page documents?

To avoid confusion caused by multi-page documents, you can place only one page per file. This will, of course, increase the number of files to be presented.