Secure file sharing
between people
and remote meetings.

What is the Edico service?

The Edico service was developed to allow people to securely exchange various files
with each other or present them simultaneously to each other over the internet.

Edico is a file sharing service. Session folders allow you to share files through this service.
You can invite participants to each session folder.
Through the service, you can hold video meetings with multiple participants and chat with them using the chat function.
During video conferencing, you can use chat, file sharing, and presentation functions simultaneously.
Messages are preserved after meetings, and each participant can participate in the presentation in any way they want.

What is the Edico service not? - The service is not intended for long-term storage of files..

Try for free!

You can try the Edico Lite session
folder for 48 hours for free.
In the session folder, you can test how
the features of the Edico S product session
folder meet your needs.
You can invite a maximum of two
invited participants to a simultaneous session
in this one session folder.
At different times in the session folder,
an unlimited number of invited participants can be invited.

Our Blog

The Edico service gives people the opportunity to do things safely that would not otherwise be possible for them, for example because of where they live.
The operation of the Edico service and its usage possibilities will be described in more detail in the future, so we wish you interesting reading moments!

A few statements about the use of the Edico service

Henri Ratinen

Legal and business service, Business operations

We have been using Edico for a couple of years now and have been satisfied with the service. The good thing about the service is especially the ease of use for the invited participant, because he does not have to create an account for himself. In addition, I am very satisfied with how the development proposals I gave have been taken into account and implemented at Edico. With these, file management has been made easier with document accompanying comments and attention colors, which can be used to provide additional information to the recipient of the documents in both directions.

Juha Hoskari

Dental care station Dentti, Business operations

We have used the Edico service to deliver files requiring high data protection to our partners since the beginning of 2018. They get an easy way to frequently exchange information by logging into the service with their standard credentials. Using Edico has been smooth for customers, and we ourselves have found it to make our work easier. Messaging via chat works even when we are in Edico at a different time. Transferring, storing and deleting files has been made intuitive and easy to learn. Data security has been managed in accordance with current requirements.

Heikki Virtanen

Father, Private person

Edico S has been a very useful service for me and my family for a long time. Through it, I keep in touch with my relatives, some of whom live in Finland and some also abroad.
It is safe to exchange information and photos with, for example, my uncles and cousins who live in America, because the information is often the kind of information that you definitely want to remain only for us to know. I can also trust that family photos and especially children's photos will not spread anywhere else on the internet.


Reijo Kangasmäki

Patent consulting Kangasmäki Oy, Business operations

Information exchange with the inventor is always confidential, conversational and interactive. From the very beginning of Edico's development, I have used its Internet-connected data exchange service, currently Edico and previously its predecessor. Presenting the invention with the help of documents prepared by the inventor requires an easy, but reliably and confidentially functioning system in the initial phase.


Jaakko Koskikari

Chairman of the sports club and member of the management team of a couple of other associations, Association activities

I am actively involved in the activities of a sports club and a couple of other associations.
The Edico service has brought a lot of new reliability and efficiency to the activities of these associations.
We use the Edico service e.g. for the distribution of our member information among the responsible persons of the associations and for communicating with the membership, especially in matters requiring trust.
