Heikki Virtanen

Edico S has been a very useful service for me and my family for a long time. Through it, I keep in touch with my relatives, some of whom live in Finland and some also abroad.
It is safe to exchange information and photos with, for example, my uncles and cousins who live in America, because the information is often the kind of information that you definitely want to remain only for us to know. I can also trust that family photos and especially children's photos will not spread anywhere else on the internet.

We have uploaded the videos taken from the family party to the Edico session folder and then invited those relatives and friends who for one reason or another could not physically attend the event itself, to the session folder to watch the videos.
We have received a lot of praise for this matter, especially from a couple of our old aunts who, due to their age, can no longer travel and participate in such events. There are really many possibilities to use the Edico service, and only a lack of imagination can set limits to its use.
I have estimated that just being able to use the Edico S - product video/audio - service will help me save more on phone bills than what I pay for using Edico.
If I then include all the costs that I myself save in travel costs and what I save in the time spent traveling, then I am really satisfied with Edico.