4.1.3 Contacts between job seekers and the company representative

Edico - service descriptions 
Company group Architect, engineer and design offices  

We are an industrial design company that is able to do process design, mechanical plant design, electrification design, automation design and information technology design for either new or renovated industrial facilities. Our customers are industrial plants and companies that carry out project deliveries to industry.

Contacts between job seekers and the company representative
We try to manage contacts with job seekers largely through remote connections, because there are applicants from both near and far.
They live nearby we normally meet the job seekers selected for the interview in person, but now during the Corona epidemic we also interview them remotely via the Edico service. 
Those who live far away job applicants selected for an interview are always interviewed remotely via the Edico service.

  1. We arrange a session with the job seeker and ask him to prepare the files that he wants to present to us or that we want him to present to us in addition to the files that we have already used so far. We also ask him to familiarize himself with the instructions for use of the Edico service on the service's www pages, at least as far as they concern persons invited to the session.
  2. We send his/her an invitation and a link to the opened Edico session by email and a password by text message about ten minutes before the scheduled start time of the session.
  3. The job seeker can get in through the sent link to the login window of the session and enter their name and password in the corresponding fields in the window and click the "Log in" button. After this, the session view opens for the invited person.
  4. The invited person can open the video connection and the audio connection if he has familiarized himself with the instructions for use. If necessary, we will guide the job seeker by phone at the beginning of the session so that we can certainly get a video during the session - and once the audio connection is opened. When the video and audio connection is opened in the Edico session, we can stop using the telephone connection that may be needed.
  5. In session the interviewer or interviewers and the job seeker see each other, talk to each other and present files to each other (e.g. company presentation, job descriptions, workplace descriptions/certificates, work certificates, recommendations, etc.). The files to be presented, i.e. those that everyone sees at the same time, can be pdf files, image files and videos. The files you download to your computer can be almost any file. 

The use of the Edico service has greatly changed the selection procedure for new employees and brought efficiency and cost savings to it.

However, a big advantage, besides efficiency, is that you can exchange confidential information or any information between separate people without fear of information leakage, either in simultaneous sessions or in different time sessions, and thus avoid the disadvantages of decentralized operation.