4.1.2 Contacts with subcontractors

Business group
Architect, engineer and design offices  

Olemme teollisuuden suunnittelua tekevä yritys, joka pystyy tekemään joko uuden tai uudistettavan teollisuuslaitoksen prosessisuunnittelua, mekaanista tehdassuunnittelua, sähköistyssuunnittelua, automaatiosuunnittelua ja tietoteknistä suunnittelua. Asiakkaitamme ovat teollisuuslaitokset ja projektitoimituksia teollisuudelle suorittavat yritykset. Käytämme projektitöissämme tarvittaessa alihankintaostoina eri alojen suunnittelijoita. Myös hallintoon ja markkinointiin liittyvissä tehtävissä käytämme usein allihankkijoiden ihmisiä tai ostamme palveluja suoraan alihankkijoilta (esim. pankkipalvelut). Ostamme tietenkin jonkin verran eri laitteita ja materiaaleja, ohjelmistoja jne., joita tietenkin toimittavat alihankkijat.

Operating description
Contacts with subcontractors

Procurement connections/new potential subcontractors.
We normally operate as follows:

  1. We call the subcontractor's management on the phone and after a short oral presentation, we ask the subcontractor's representative if there would be an opportunity to discuss the possible cooperation in more detail now? If the answer is positive, we will send an e-mail invitation to a pre-prepared Edico session and also a password to the session. Sometimes we send the session invitation even before taking the phone connection, in which case we explain in the email that we will soon take the phone connection.
    Through the telephone connection, we are able to guide the invited person or persons to the session and, when invited person or persons are in the session, guide them to open the picture - and the audio connection or at least the audio connection. 
    Now we can close the phone connection and start the presentation in the Edico session and our plan for subcontracting (files), which the subcontractor sees on his computer screen as the same as us. The subcontractor's representative or representatives hear our voice and, if desired, see or see our image. We respectively hear and see him or them. The subcontractor's person(s) must have a camera and microphone on their computer or smart device so that the sound and video connection can work in the Edico session.
    If the customer's representative does not have the aforementioned technical issues in order, costumer's representative can still present files to the subcontractor during the Edico session and handle the voice connection by phone.
    If, in connection with the first contact above, a broader presentation at the Edico session esittely Edicon istunnossa now,, niin yritämme sopia myöhemmän alihankkijalle sopivamman ajankohdan.
    The use of Edico - the session in the procurement of subcontractors has proven to be convenient and it largely replaces personal presentation visits to the subcontractor and thus saves on travel and also enhances the procurement of subcontractors and saves costs.
  2. Procurement connections/previous subcontractors
    We also keep in touch with previous subcontractors using the Edico service, because we want to have confidential discussions with them about possible new cooperation projects and especially when the previous cooperation has been successful. We also want to present new information about our activities and discuss the development of cooperation.
    Edico – palvelun kautta kaikki tämä tapahtuu kustannustehokkaasti ilman puhelinlaskuja ja istuntoon voi samanaikaisesti osallistua tarvittaessa useita alihankkijan edustajia ja myös tarvittaessa useita meidän edustajiamme. Lisäksi eri osallistujat voivat palata istuntoon myöhemmin katsomaan aineistoa niin kauan kuin istunto on auki ja tarvittaessa voivat myös ladata aineiston omalle tietokoneelleen. Alihankkijan edustajien sekä meidän edustajiemme sijaintipaikat voivat olla hajallaan eri puolilla maapalloa.
  3. Other subcontractor connections/current subcontractors
    We use the Edico service in many ways to manage different things with our subcontractors. A large part of the matters are confidential and it is important that they remain so. Connections can be created precisely between persons in the subcontractor's and our organizations who are affected by certain issues. If we need to communicate with our subcontractor, our representative creates an Edico session and invites the subcontractor's representative or representatives to join it and delivers the word to him or them.
    In the session, for example, issues belonging to a joint project are discussed. The subcontractor can present the files that we have purchased from the subcontractor and thus all parties stay involved in the course of the project without anyone having to travel anywhere.
    Our subcontractor often takes care of things related to project planning on our behalf, and then our subcontractor has an Edico session as the main user. The subcontractor can then actively create their own Edico sessions and Edico folders, with which they can maintain reliable connections with us, our customers, our possible other subcontractors and their own stakeholders by sending invitations to the sessions they have created, if necessary.
    Naturally, we handle all requests for tenders, offers, orders, order confirmations, contracts and other such matters related to subcontracting through the Edico service.

However, the biggest advantage, in addition to efficiency, is that you can exchange confidential information or any information between separate people without fear of information leakage, either in simultaneous sessions or in separate sessions, and avoid unnecessary travel.