4.1.1 Contacts with customers

Company group: Service companies
Company type: Architect, engineer and design offices

We are an industrial design company that is able to do process design, mechanical plant design, electrification design, automation design and information technology design for either new or renovated industrial facilities. Our customers are industrial plants and companies that carry out project deliveries to industry.

Operating description
Contacts with customers

We use the Edico service in many ways to handle different things with our customers. A large part of the matters are confidential and it is important that they remain so. Connections can be created precisely between such persons in the customer's and our organization, who are affected by certain issues.

  1. Samanaikainen yhteinen istunto. Käytämme tätä istuntomuotoa lähes kaikkien asiakkaidemme edustajien kanssa. Puhelinta, tekstiviestiä tai sähköpostia käytämme vain Edico SCF – istunnon alkuajasta sopimiseen ja niiden kutsuttavien asiakkaan edustajien, jotka ovat ensimmäistä kertaa kutsuttuja istuntoon, informoimiseen Edicon käytöstä. Avaamme näissä yhteisissä istunnoissa aina vähintään ääniyhteyden, mutta tavallisesti myös videoyhteyden.
    A lot of time and costs are saved because telephone costs are excluded from the duration of the session, travel costs are completely excluded, and possible travel time is also excluded. The handling of matters is efficient, because we first download the agenda file of the meeting to the Edico SCF session and then all the files that we are going to present to the client. The customer, on the other hand, reserves all the files that he intends to present to us on his own computer. The things to be presented (files) appear on the screens of all participants at the same time. If necessary, each participant can download the file to their own computer and save and print it.
  2. Different time, i.e. open session. This session format is valid continuously or for a specified period of time both for us, the holders of the program, and for all invited customer representatives. Participants (as well as invitees, i.e. the program owner and invitees) can view the files in the session, they can download new files to or from the session to their own computer, and they can send Chat messages to other participants when it suits them. People often leave messages in the form of spoken video files when the investigation of the matter requires it, and e.g. due to time differences, it is difficult to organize a joint Edico SCF session at the same time.

Things to deal with with customers. Marketing, offers, orders, order confirmations, project matters, cooperation matters, other matters.

However, the biggest advantage, in addition to efficiency, is that you can exchange confidential information or any information between people, without fear of information leakage, either in simultaneous sessions or in separate sessions.