3. Edico service product function descriptions

The service has four products.
The following presents the products and a short Usage Example for each product.

3.2 Edico S (10GB), xx €/month
This is a product intended for one account holder. The account holder can invite several participants to one or more session folders. In session folders, files can be shared between participants and presented directly to participants in a simultaneous session.

The account holder and invited participants can upload files to the session folder from their own data devices or copy files from the session folder to their own data devices. In a simultaneous session, the use of video and audio connection is possible and files can be presented over the Internet.

Short Usage Example
For example, a group of people in a company, community or other free group holds a remote meeting on a topic for which the participants would otherwise have to travel to the agreed place to hold the meeting.

Edico S in more detail

3.2 Edico G (30GB), xx €/month
This is a product that can have other parallel account users in addition to the account owner. The product is perfectly suited for use where there is a need for the account to be used separately by the account user and several parallel account holders. Each account user can name their own folders. Each account user has access to these folders and the opportunity to present and collect material to their colleagues. They can work in different locations or be on business trips. Account users can use their account IDs to open any folder, share files and thoughts, chat and invite outsiders to the session folder in question with a separate folder ID.
The account owner only has the option of resetting the account password, which means that the account owner can always access the account and change the password as the account owner wishes in the event that the password has fallen into the wrong hands.

Short Usage Example
One example could be a company with a sales team, where specific session folders are allocated to each salesperson for brochures related to different products. Each folder is managed by a designated user responsible for the brochures within that folder. However, each user (salesperson) has access to the materials in all the folders associated with the account for their sales activities.

Edico G in more detail

3.3 Edico C (10GB), xx €/month
The product has a single account owner.
The product works like Edico S, but it does not have file presentation features (slide show), but features that enable the processing of files of different invited participants so that each invited participant of the session sees only their own files in the folder and the account owner's files, either designated as public or a file intended for an individual participant. The account holder, on the other hand, can see the files of all invited participants and of course his own files. The application also works on a smartphone, so with the help of files in txt format, one-on-one chat communication between the account holder and the invited participant can be carried out confidentially.

Short Usage Example
A bidding situation where bidding companies (invited participants) only see their own bids in the folder, but the representative of the company that received the bids (account holder) sees the bids of all bidding companies. With video conference, information can be supplemented in each case separately using the Edico S session folder, in which case only the representative of one bidding company and the account holder, i.e. the representative of the company that received the offer, are conversing in the session folder.

Edico C in more detail

3.2 Edico CG (30GB), xx €/month
The product has a single account owner and may have several parallel account users. Two types of session folders can be created for the product: Edico G session folders and confidential Edico C session folders.

Please note that in the C session folder of the Edico CG product, parallel account users can be included along with the account owner, which differs from the C session folder of the Edico C product.

Please note that in the C session folder of the Edico CG product, parallel account users can be included along with the account owner, which differs from the C session folder of the Edico C product.

Short Usage Example
The teacher (account owner) conducts remote instruction for multiple students (invited participants) in a C session folder. Parallel account users may also observe the instruction. The teacher can upload a task document for all students to view and request that they complete the assignment immediately. Each student works on the task using their own device and uploads their work to the Edico session folder. Each student can view only their own submissions, whereas the teacher and parallel account users have access to all students' responses. The teacher may provide oral feedback to each student by inviting them to a session folder where no other students are present. 

The Edico CG product offers numerous possibilities when its various features are combined.

Edico CG in more detail