We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of user groups found behind link 4.1 and a short description of data exchange!
4.1 Edico service user groups
Links 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6 below describe in more detail how, for example,
architectural, engineering and planning offices can use the Edico service in their own operations.
4.1 Architectural, engineering and planning offices
4.1.2 Contacts with subcontractors
4.1.3 Contacts between job seekers and the company representative
4.1.5 Relations between supervisors and employees
For example, the company's manager (account holder) goes through the affairs of the company's different departments remotely together with these representatives, i.e. their subordinates. Representatives of different departments (invited participants) can only see the information of their department, i.e. the things that concern them, but the manager can see the things of the different departments of all companies.